Jury Nullification
August 24, 2015 | Tags: Jury Nullification | Category: UncategorizedCan activists hand out literature informing jury members of their right to return a Not Guilty verdict because the law is unjust? Attorneys for the city and state take opposite positions in a Denver jury nullification case. “Phillips, Noelle “Denver city attorney tells cops to stop arresting courthouse activists” The Denver Post, August 21, 2015″
Corpse Removal Fee
August 24, 2015 | Tags: Corpse Removal Fee | Category: UncategorizedIf you die in a reservoir, does your family have to pay to remove your dead body? A Chinese agency think so. Linder, Alex “Parents sue company after kids drown in Yunnan reservoir, company countersues for ‘corpse pollution fee’” Shanghaiist [Shanghai, China], August 20, 2015
August 13, 2015 | Tags: Chess | Category: UncategorizedLitigation resembles chess. In both, knowledge of the rules is useful. In both, you win by attacking or defending your opponent’s attack. In both, the rules have evolved over centuries.